24/7 Buchungsservice: +49 170 9323103 oder [email protected]
We have an automatic price adjustment for the following year on 1.10. corresponding to the official consumer price index, e.g. in Austria the Statistics Austria. If inflation should rise as of 1.4. of a year are above or also below 5 %, a price adjustment can also be carried out for existing orders.
Tourist guides, tour guides and guides work on a self-employed basis. I.e. about 50% of the fee are taxes (social security, taxes, basic trade levy, etc.). Incl. Before and after preparation, the hourly wage should be similar to an advertising agency at about 70, – to 100, – €.
The tourist guide is a regulated trade in Austria and Hungary. The comprehensive training lasts 1-3 years and costs about 4,000 €. It includes, history, art history, customs, geography, group dynamics, experiential staging, dramaturgy, storytelling, conflict management, non-verbal communication, entrepreneurial skills, among many others.
If the tour takes place from/to or in a place where no guide lives, a travel fee of at least 30 € will be added to the fee. In remote locations, € 0.3 will be charged per km.
If the tour takes place from/to or in a place where no guide lives, a travel fee of at least € 30 is added to the fee. In remote locations, € 0.42 per km will be charged.
Within Vienna max. 3 hours, outside Vienna max. 4 hours, incl. max. 2 hours on foot.
Within Vienna max. 3 hours, outside Vienna max. 4 hours, incl. max. 2 hours on foot.
also applies if the morning tour ends after 1.30 p.m.
also applies if the morning tour ends after 1.30 p.m.