Dear tourist guides and tour guides,

Thank you very much for the excellent cooperation so far. We would like to have you further in our team of TOPassau / DonauGuides. We have written or revised various legal frameworks with our lawyer and professional associations.

In return, we ask you to confirm that we may contact you with inquiries at any time.

General Terms and Conditions
In order to meet the requirements of the social security institutions for freelancers, we have reformulated our GTC.

Contracts for commissioned processing (AV contract)
We would like to agree our future cooperation on a business level in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation. For this purpose, we may forward your data, according to the request, to a third party (our customers and other service providers involved in the project). This information will of course be limited to the most necessary (contact details, emergency numbers, etc.) and will be deleted by us after the project.


We are looking forward to working successfully with you in the future and are available for any questions at any time.

Thank you very much!
Sebastian and Stefan

Without this consent, we can unfortunately no longer guarantee you access to our tour exchange in the future.